How Much is My Cleaning Company Worth?

I have been coaching for a very long time and one of the most common questions I get is how much can I sell my cleaning service for? There are three main reasons people ask this question. The most common is burn out. The owner is done, tired, and just wants to move on and [...]

Top 15 Stories of CBT’s Third Year

Even as we’re planning articles more than halfway through our fourth year, we reflect on the new shape of the cleaning industry in the past year. During our third year in publication, the leadership at has worked hard to make sure the best, relevant news for cleaning businesses is easily accessible wherever you [...]

12 Cleaning Upsells for 12 Months

Upselling to your current customers is easier, less expensive and more profitable than relying only on new customers to raise your revenue. Part 1 of 2. Pull out your annual marketing plan – if you have one. Take a look at the promotions you’ve slotted in for each month because, let’s face it, most [...]

9 Questions with a Cleaning Business Insurance Expert

What you don't know about business insurance for the cleaning industry could save you a lot of time and money. In the insurance industry, cleaning businesses are a very popular risk to insure. Sadly not many insurance agents know how to properly assess this industry. Many business owners find the questions they get from [...]

By |2018-08-12T12:52:57-05:00December 4th, 2015|Finance, Operations, Readers' Choice|

3 Ways My Business is Better Today Than a Year Ago

Major change requires checking progress and making adjustments as needed. In Part 1 of our series, we analyzed the profitability challenge my business was facing at the start of 2014. In Part 2, we looked at the structural and cultural changes implemented during my enrollment in the Foundations of Success program, working with my [...]

By |2018-08-12T12:53:47-05:00November 11th, 2015|Finance, Measuring Success / KPIs, Operations, Readers' Choice|

Do More Than the Minimum To Keep Clients Happy and Boost Sales

To become and remain competitive, you’ve got to know what your competition is likely offering – so you can do more and better.When 75% of an industry is doing the same thing, that thing (or collection of tasks) becomes a standard – no longer a competitive advantage but is simple the minimum level of service. [...]

Homejoy Is Going Out of Business

On-demand house cleaning service announces that it's closing its doors.On the heels of the US Department of Labor’s new interpretation of worker classification status, Homejoy, one of the first and top funded on-demand home service providers, has announced it is closing its doors. Adora Cheung, CEO of the home services platform which has raised $40 [...]

By |2015-07-17T18:38:33-05:00July 17th, 2015|News, Readers' Choice|

5 Ways 1099 Employees Cost You Money

Despite the promise of financial savings with independent contractors, the majority of cleaning companies classify their technicians as employees to build and protect their brand reputation. One of the hardest decisions any small business owner will make is the decision to hire and how to hire. Whether you’re just starting out, have a few years [...]

4 Money-Saving Tips for the Cleaning Conventions

Do these four things this month to make sure you are getting the biggest bang for your buck at the annual cleaning conventions and trade show. The idea of leaving your company for a week – even for business – can seem very intimidating, so over the next few months, we are going to share [...]

By |2015-06-26T17:03:50-05:00June 26th, 2015|Association News, News, Readers' Choice|
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