Even as we’re planning articles more than halfway through our fourth year, we reflect on the new shape of the cleaning industry in the past year.

During our third year in publication, the leadership at CleaningBusinessToday.com has worked hard to make sure the best, relevant news for cleaning businesses is easily accessible wherever you are in the world. That’s right! We are 100% mobile-friendly and focused, with news arriving in your email more frequently and easier than ever to read from your phone or tablet.

Here are some of the headlines that have shaped the past year in the cleaning industry:

In Memoriam

In the summer and late fall of 2015, we lost two pioneers in professionalizing and raising the public perception of the home cleaning industry through their tireless advocacy.

The Remarkable Impact of Gary Goranson

A look back at the career of a trail-blazing entrepreneur with a heart as big as his accomplishments. On May 19, 2015, cleaning industry pioneer Gary Goranson passed away after dedicating more than 50 years of his life to achieving success in many different areas of cleaning, including sales and distribution, mobile cleaning, house cleaning, and coaching/consulting. Read more.

Cleaning Charity Honors Founder Teresa Ward with Memory Ornament

The late Teresa Ward is remembered with unique, handmade angel memento. Long Island, NY – Cleaning Angels USA (CAUSA), the house cleaning charity, continues to remember its founder and leader Teresa Ward with the Teresa Angel. Read more. 

Top Stories from the Past Year

Hydrogen Peroxide + Vinegar = A Disinfecting Duo? By Janice Stewart
It’s a common misconception that vinegar, in particular, is either a cleaner or a sanitizer/disinfectant. Catch up on the latest scientific studies and what they say is real about hydrogen peroxide and vinegar in cleaning.

US DOL Issues Guidelines for Classifying Independent Contractors vs. Employees by Tom Stewart
While the US DOL didn’t change the guidelines for employee classification, they did, importantly, add several cleaning industry examples for clarification. An essential read on a regular basis.

Our Readers’ Choice of Best Cleaning Products: And the Winner Is…
With several product surveys behind us – ones detailing the features and functionality of various options – we put them to the test and let readers vote and tell us why CBOs should choose what works.

3 Ways to Boost Your Bottom Line without New Clients by Derek Christian
With the threat of recession looming, low-cost client retention and upselling are rising above advertising and marketing as the #1 growth strategy.

Do More Than the Minimum to Keep Clients Happy and Boost Sales
Our survey revealed the most basic scope of work for a residential cleaning company, onto which many will add special features and customizations to differentiate themselves.

How to Be the Biggest Cleaning Business in Town by Sara Martin
Business owner profiles continue to be our most popular kind of article. Sara Martin holds a unique position as, for a long time, the only cleaning service in her college town.

4 Money-saving Tips for the Cleaning Conventions by Liz Trotter
As the annual fall convention is (or should be) part of every CBO’s annual budget, this great article is timeless.

Favorite Events

IEHA Annual Conference and Convention (October 2015)
Annual convention of hotel and hospital housekeepers and residential facility (schools, prisons) environmental services professionals, usually the weekend preceding ISSA/Interclean.

VRMA Annual Conference (October 2015)

Annual convention of vacation rental management groups and contractors.

BSCAI Annual Conference and Convention (October 2015)
Annual convention of commercial and janitorial service contractors, usually the weekend following ISSA/Interclean.

IICRCA Convention and Trade Show (May 2015)

Semi-annual convention of cleaning-related associations and their members, also held in conjunction with ISSA/Interclean.

IICRC House Cleaning Technician Certification by ISE (October 2015)

In its fourth year, still the first and only international knowledge certification for house cleaning technicians (cleaners, maids), usually the weekend preceding ISSA/Interclean as well as weekend throughout the year and throughout North America.

Thank you to our amazing staff! They work hard to make sure we can keep our subscriptions free to cleaning business owners, technicians and independent contractors.

Cleaning Business Today is a publication of Tom Stewart and Derek Christian, who also partner in Castle Keepers, one of the fastest growing professional house cleaning services in the US.