5 Times When a Penalty Fee is NOT the Best Choice

Consequences are a standard part of a service agreement, so use them to their fullest advantage – as education and incentives for customer loyalty.Do you beat up your customers? My guess is that sometimes you do!  Without meaning to of course.   Have you ever had a customer bounce a check or lock you out [...]

How Mobile Payment Apps Are Helping Cleaning Professionals Succeed

Don’t let clunky, old-school payment routines get in the way of growing your business easier and faster.Time is money – any professional running a cleaning business knows that.  In the old days (and even still today), to get paid clients would leave you cash or mail you a check. That required ensuring your clients had [...]

10 Things to Consider Before Purchasing a Floor Scrubbing System

In the past few years, manufacturers have introduced entirely new types of floor cleaning and scrubbing systems...this means [cleaning] contractors have many more options and types of machines to choose from.Hamilton, OH - A quick search on Google Shopping for automatic scrubbers indicates that the average price for these machines is about $4,000 with a [...]

By |2015-07-23T16:25:03-05:00July 23rd, 2015|Cleaning Science, Office Cleaning, Operations|

What Would You Charge?

Southern Living Unveils 2015 Idea House in Charlottesville, VA; located at Bundoran Farm, the house features classic Southern design with a timeless aesthetic.CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA – JUNE 25, 2015 – On June 27, Southern Living, the brand that celebrates life in the South, will debut its 26th annual Idea House, providing creative ideas and inspiration for [...]

By |2015-07-23T16:16:17-05:00July 23rd, 2015|Customer Service, Finance, Operations, Press Release|

9 Tips for Increasing Your Profitability

Building a business is more than knowing how to shine things better than another company. Check out these 9 ways to differentiate your company!Whether you have been in business for 5 minutes or 5 years, operating a cleaning business can be very challenging at times. Of course, it can also be very profitable, which is [...]

US Department of Labor Issues Guidelines for Classifying Independent Contractors vs Employees

DOL document gives specific examples of when a cleaning company should classify its workers as employees.Yesterday the United States Department of Labor took its strongest position to date on what is an employee vs. an independent contractor.  It published a fifteen page Administrator’s Interpretation that depicts most workers as employees under the Fair Labor Standards [...]

Being Green Means Knowing Your Chemical Footprint

"Chemical Footprint Project" takes first steps toward a new international consensus with leading companies and investors.Somerville, MA — You’ve heard of a company’s carbon footprint.  Now it’s time for the chemical footprint. Despite growing regulatory efforts, businesses around the world continue to use chemicals of high concern to human health and environment. Formaldehyde and toxic phthalates [...]

New Overtime Rule Will Cost You Money

If your staff make less than $1000/week, you'll now have to pay them overtime - even salaried employees.If a new overtime pay rule proposed by the President and presented by the US Department of Labor on Tuesday, June 30th, is adopted, cleaning business owners will be looking at an even more complex compensation calculation system [...]

5 Ways 1099 Employees Cost You Money

Despite the promise of financial savings with independent contractors, the majority of cleaning companies classify their technicians as employees to build and protect their brand reputation. One of the hardest decisions any small business owner will make is the decision to hire and how to hire. Whether you’re just starting out, have a few years [...]

What’s Included in Your Regular Weekly Cleaning List?

Whether you call it your “What We Do” list or you get technical with a Scope of Work, what’s on your base weekly cleaning task list for each client? Vote and see results immediately!From “standard” tasks to specialty add-ons, the list of possible cleaning tasks can vary in length. That’s what creates variety and competition, [...]

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