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So far Tom Stewart has created 170 blog entries.

How to go paperless with your field technicians

6 decisions, 3 free apps, and 1 critical purchase that will save you money and make your transition to mobile devices smooth Six Decisions Whether or not to purchase devices Going paperless does not necessarily mean that you have to buy a tablet or a smart phone for every cleaning tech, carpet tech, or team [...]

By |2016-06-09T02:31:03-05:00June 9th, 2016|Efficiency and Optimization, Operations, Technology|

How will the new DOL overtime rule affect your business?

White House increases overtime eligibility by millionsThe US Department of Labor has approved new regulations governing overtime pay for salaried workers.  Effective December 1, 2016 salaried workers making less than $47,476/year ($913/week) will be entitled to time-and-a-half for work that exceeds 40 hours/week.  This is more than a 100% increase from the current threshold of [...]

By |2016-05-20T12:49:44-05:00May 20th, 2016|Minimum Wage, News, Press Release, Staff Management|

8 Things You Can’t Miss at the Cleaning Convention

Schedules are already filling up; make sure you get time with the experts you need.Since the founding of ARCSI and, in particular, the year I served as its President, I’ve never missed a convention, and I’m pretty sure neither Liz Trotter nor Derek Christian have either; in fact, both have served on the board and [...]

By |2015-10-01T20:36:06-05:00October 1st, 2015|Association News, Leadership, News|

US Department of Labor Issues Guidelines for Classifying Independent Contractors vs Employees

DOL document gives specific examples of when a cleaning company should classify its workers as employees.Yesterday the United States Department of Labor took its strongest position to date on what is an employee vs. an independent contractor.  It published a fifteen page Administrator’s Interpretation that depicts most workers as employees under the Fair Labor Standards [...]

Summer Can Be the Best Time to Work on Your Business

Now might be the best time to get some important work done.The summer months have started. For teachers or anyone with school age kids this means that normal life is on hold until school starts again in the fall. In the house cleaning industry, this often means consumer demand takes a dip. This can be [...]

By |2015-05-28T20:31:58-05:00May 28th, 2015|Leadership, Operations, Staff Management|

Castle Keepers to Partner with Postpartum Support Charleston

Sponsor 12th Annual Moms’ Run to take place at Blackbaud Stadium.Castle Keepers is proud to be a sponsor for the 12th Annual Moms’ Run being presented by Postpartum Support Charleston. The event takes place on Saturday, May 9, 2015 at Blackbaud Stadium on Daniel Island. We’re putting a team together for the run and invite [...]

By |2015-04-02T17:17:53-05:00April 2nd, 2015|Community, Daniel Island, Health, News|

Cleaning Business Today: March 2015

The March issue of CBT focuses on leadership.Merriam-Webster defines leadership as “the power or ability to lead other people.” I find this definition less than useful, but I’ll take it as an affirmation that leadership is an abstract concept that is difficult to describe, much less achieve.  No one should argue that leadership is a [...]

How to Measure Marketing Success

If you’ve been wondering if your marketing is really working, start by measuring what you’re doing now – and make better choices for your next marketing campaign.Cleaning business owners invest in their companies in many different ways; from equipment to training, we make decisions on how to spend limited capital to create the most value. [...]

By |2015-01-29T22:16:10-05:00January 29th, 2015|Measuring Success / KPIs, Sales and Marketing|

How to Market Your Cleaning Business: Extreme Marketing Makeover

Find out how to

  • Fight smarter, not harder for the prospects and leads good for your business
  • Spend less money and more time for a BIGGER marketing ROI
  • Make your branding and public relations work harder for you
  • See how the right tools help you make smarter marketing choices faster
  • Synergize your digital marketing so that value is greater than the sum of the parts
By |2015-01-26T16:59:44-05:00January 26th, 2015|Uncategorized|
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