How to Hire and Retain Great Part-Time Workers

Hard-working frontline employees, many of them part-timers, can make or break companies in the service industry. Franchises like those in the building services contracting industry report that it is tough to find great part-time workers and even tougher to keep them. Industry statistics are telling: The building services contracting (BSC) industry averages a turnover rate [...]

Employee Drug Policies Continue to Exclude Medicinal and Recreational Marijuana Use

Despite legalization, marijuana smoking and influence remains a banned practice at work.In a first-of-its-kind survey, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that 94% of companies in states where medicinal and/or recreational marijuana use is legal continue to have and enforce formal, written substance abuse policies. Further, 38% of companies will reject candidates who [...]

3 Ways Millennials Influence Your Profitability

If you don’t take millennials seriously as a consumer and employee group, your business will only get harder to keep in the black, much less grow.Call us what you want, but we are drastically reshaping your cultural and consumption patterns and are quickly becoming the most influential generation today. Born between 1982 and the mid-2000s, [...]

By |2015-09-09T15:10:47-05:00September 9th, 2015|Millennial Workers, Staff Management|

Can Small and Large Service Businesses Provide an On-demand "Feel" with Employees?

Explore this challenge and more at the ARCSI Workforce Innovation Summit and ISSA Trade Show.In the services industry at large – cleaning is just one type of service – every business owner is simultaneously managing two significant “inputs”: clients and technicians. And based on the association discussions and various mastermind groups, service-based small businesses are [...]

8 Ways to Get More Out of Millennial Employees

No matter which Millennial problem you’re having, these 8 management actions will help you get the results you’re looking for.In our continuing discussion on blending and meeting the needs of different generations of workers in the workplace – in cleaning companies – we look in this segment on two different perspectives on the ways to [...]

5 Ways 1099 Employees Cost You Money

Despite the promise of financial savings with independent contractors, the majority of cleaning companies classify their technicians as employees to build and protect their brand reputation. One of the hardest decisions any small business owner will make is the decision to hire and how to hire. Whether you’re just starting out, have a few years [...]

Top 5 Employee Hiring, Training, and Tracking Tools

An investment in hiring strong employees, training and coaching them into skilled technicians and customer service agents, and continuously engaging them through the goals of your company is essential for business growth.CBT is proud to announce the winners of the 2015 Best of Awards for Employee Engagement and Management: Best Recruiting Site: CraigsList Jobs Best [...]

Moving Past Basic Training

Skip the leadership self-help routine and get personal, real-time help becoming a leader and training leaders for your company. The cleaning industry is no different than any other when it comes to the need for training and education.  Some might even argue that more is needed because of the lack of understanding regarding the necessity. [...]

Focusing on Cleaning Could Be Hurting Your Business

Creating a company of value will depend on your ability and willingness to take your training programs to the next level.It is universally accepted that an excellent training program is a key part of creating an environment of success, especially in the service sectors. Deciding what to include in your training program can be a [...]

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