Search Engine Optimization is more of a time committment than a financial one, but even more important and successful than many paid advertising opportunities.
[EasyDNNnewsToken:Left Justify Embed 300 x 250]Search Engine Optimization is more of a time commitment than a financial one, but even more important and successful than many paid advertising opportunities.
SEO is a scary, amorphous set of letters to many business owners still. Okay, so here’s the skinny. SEO means filling in all of the blanks in the background of each page of your website so that Google can find your webpages when someone searches for those words or topics.
Think of it like some of the front and back matter on books: 1-paragraph description on the back cover, table of contents at the beginning, and an index at the end. Those are the sorts of words and phrases you’re looking for for each page of your website.
The trick: YOU need to be doing this YOURSELF and not relying on your outsourced web designed to know enough about the cleaning industry or your cleaning clients’ needs and desires to do this well.
Use these 5 tips to help you get a handle on your SEO:
- It’s an absolute necessity: by failing to crate content that is optimized for mobile, your web presence effectively falls behind others who are working to get their content recognized by search engines like Google.
- Using proper redirect is key: if you’re old-school and still maintaining both a standard website and a mobile website separately, this is very important.
- Responsive design is a good solution: If you’re beginning or near to going into a website redesign phase, make sure the site “skin” you select is responsive, which means it shows up “right” on a phone or tablet.
- Ironing out the kinks is imperative: check out the official Google Developers list of common problems, like slow loading, faulty redirects, and more
- Maximize visibility of mobile content: make sure your mobile site (if you have one) is registered with Google so that it can boost your search rankings and result.
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