Make door hangers personal or even give something away to maximize your ROI.

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In Cincinnati, I’ve made a science of my door hanger marketing campaign. You see, I give them something they’re not expecting. Sure, one one side of the door hanger, my cleaning technician writes her name and the message is about how she cleans the neighbor’s house and that “you can get 10% off” by calling and booking by a certain date and mentioning her name and the flyer. It’s one of the best ways I have to track referral-based sales for the commission I offer my technicians.

But more than that expected message is what I put on the other side of the door hanger: 10 ways to use a “magic eraser”…and an actual “magic eraser.” Now since I know that all melamine sponges (the generic name for a “magic eraser”) are made from the same material and nearly all come from the same factory in Germany, I get them in bulk at a huge discount…without the brand name.

Finally, there are three pieces to my campaign that make it easy and keep it fresh.

1.  we rotate among a couple of different door hangers

2.  we hang them quarterly – every 3 months

3.  we only hang them on five houses: the ones to the left and right of our client and the three directly across the street from those

Creating the pieces doesn’t have to be hard, and you don’t have to re-invent the wheel. Even if you’re telling them something they already know, those prospective clients still need the reminder that your service is trusted by their neighbor, one of the strongest referrals possible!

Derek Christian is the owner of My Maid Service with locations in Cincinnati, OH and Dallas, TX, as well as a business coach through Cleaning Business Builders and publisher of  Derek is now an investor in several cleaning companies including My Maid Service Dayton and Real World Services Columbus.  Derek is also a consultant for industry leaders Marvelous Maids and Castle Keepers.