CleanCore and HSC will work together to establish a vibrant network of school facility managers.

Omaha, Nebraska-With green cleaning becoming ever more prevalent and integral to the health and wellness of children, CleanCore™ Technologies, manufacturers of aqueous ozone cleaning systems, is proud to announce it will be a sponsor of the Healthy Schools Campaign’s (HSC) Green Clean Schools program. 

“HSC’s Green Clean Schools has partnered with numerous organizations to change the way schools are cleaned,” says Matt Montag, distribution sales manager for CleanCore.

“Building on HSC’s 10 years of promoting green cleaning in schools, we will work together to establish a vibrant network of school facility managers who are dedicated to ensuring that schools use products and practices that protect both student health and the environment.”

Through programs and events like the Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute, the Green Clean Schools Forum at ISSA/INTERCLEAN®, and numerous webinars hosted by award-winning industry experts, HSC is uniting leading university facility operators to raise awareness about best practices and build leadership skills that will help them elevate their green cleaning programs.

“As a sponsor of Green Clean Schools, CleanCore Technologies is taking a significant step toward enhancing green cleaning work and enabling school environments to support student health and wellness,” adds Montag.

According to HSC, a green cleaning program is about much more than just safe chemicals and proper infection control.

“An effective program helps students stay healthy, maximizes their learning potential, and protects the environment,” explains Rochelle Davis, president and CEO of the Healthy Schools Campaign. “We are confident that this partnership [with CleanCore Technologies] will yield great outcomes in the field of green cleaning in schools.”


About CleanCore™ Technologies

CleanCore™ is an innovative cleaning technology that infuses cold water with ozone gas to create aqueous ozone, a natural and robust cleaning solution. Along with being effective, ozonated water is viewed as a more “natural” cleaning agent because ozone is naturally found in the atmosphere. This form of no-chemical cleaning is often referred to as “greener than green cleaning” because there is essentially no impact on the environment when cleaning with a CleanCore system.