Science Class Complaints: when am I ever going to use this stuff?

Professionally, we’re suspicious of a cleaner who can’t prove—through a test or certification—that s/he knows the scientific difference between “clean” and “disinfect”…because they are NOT the same thing.As our friend Janice Stewart (owner of Castle Keepers of Charleston) is packing up to head to the CIRI Conference in Atlanta, we thought it fitting to remind [...]

The UK contract cleaning market

Though the specific trends and laws are based on the experience of Great Britain, there is no denying that these same market trends are affecting the US cleaning industry.Okay, so maybe you don’t care so much what happens across the pond, but since they share our suffering in a recession, we wanted to see what [...]

By |2014-06-18T15:33:13-05:00June 18th, 2014|Chemical Free Cleaning, Health|

Why You Should Care if Your Cleaner is HCT Certified

“Certified” is code for “expensive” or “my weekly cleaning price will go up now, right?” Well, we can’t guarantee that other companies who send their technicians to the Institute for Service Excellence to be certified won’t do just that, but it’s not in our plans at Castle Keepers. “Certified” is code for “expensive” or “my [...]

Beating Superbugs with a High-Tech Cleanser

As detailed in this article, a microbiologist has created a microbial solution that can change the genetic make-up of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to make them sensitive (and more easily killable with regular antibiotics again.As detailed in the article below, a microbiologist has created a microbial solution that can change the genetic make-up of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to [...]

Beating Superbugs with a High-Tech Cleanser

As detailed in this article, a microbiologist has created a microbial solution that can change the genetic make-up of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to make them sensitive (and more easily killable with regular antibiotics again.As detailed in the article below, a microbiologist has created a microbial solution that can change the genetic make-up of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to [...]

Beating Superbugs with a High-Tech Cleanser

As detailed in this article, a microbiologist has created a microbial solution that can change the genetic make-up of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to make them sensitive (and more easily killable with regular antibiotics again.As detailed in the article below, a microbiologist has created a microbial solution that can change the genetic make-up of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to [...]

Beating Superbugs with a High-Tech Cleanser

As detailed in this article, a microbiologist has created a microbial solution that can change the genetic make-up of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to make them sensitive (and more easily killable with regular antibiotics again.As detailed in the article below, a microbiologist has created a microbial solution that can change the genetic make-up of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to [...]

Which Household Cleaners Contain Toxins? ALERT: Article Names Specific Products!

A new study out today reveals that numerous popular cleaner brands, including Glade, Clorox, Pine Sol, and the ostensibly eco-friendly Simple Green, contain chemicals that are known to cause hormone disruption, pregnancy complications, birth defects, and cancer, and can aggravate allergies.—By Jaeah Lee | Thu Nov. 17, 2011 9:19 AM PST Next time you walk down [...]

By |2014-06-18T15:03:41-05:00June 18th, 2014|Best Practices, Chemical Free Cleaning, Cleaning Tips, Health|

Which Household Cleaners Contain Toxins? ALERT: Article Names Specific Products!

A new study out today reveals that numerous popular cleaner brands, including Glade, Clorox, Pine Sol, and the ostensibly eco-friendly Simple Green, contain chemicals that are known to cause hormone disruption, pregnancy complications, birth defects, and cancer, and can aggravate allergies.—By Jaeah Lee | Thu Nov. 17, 2011 9:19 AM PST Next time you walk down [...]

By |2014-06-18T15:03:41-05:00June 18th, 2014|Best Practices, Chemical Free Cleaning, Cleaning Tips, Health|

Which Household Cleaners Contain Toxins? ALERT: Article Names Specific Products!

A new study out today reveals that numerous popular cleaner brands, including Glade, Clorox, Pine Sol, and the ostensibly eco-friendly Simple Green, contain chemicals that are known to cause hormone disruption, pregnancy complications, birth defects, and cancer, and can aggravate allergies.—By Jaeah Lee | Thu Nov. 17, 2011 9:19 AM PST Next time you walk down [...]

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