Train ‘Em If Ya Got ‘Em

83.3% of all house cleaners are either independent contractors or work for an individual. Your strongest weapon for claiming their market space is your quality control through integrated staff training. I’m going to talk about training, but probably from a very different perspective: as a competitive advantage and a cost savings benefit. It’s not the [...]

Convention Recap: Trending for Success in 2015

Find out why both 1st-time and returning attendance is UP at the ISSA Trade Show and ARCSI Conventions.With employee training, quality control, and ongoing employee engagement in the headlines related to the new virtual maid services, it’s no wonder we saw a lot more sessions on these topics. And given the consumer trend toward less [...]

By |2014-11-25T18:51:02-05:00November 25th, 2014|Leadership, News, Trends in Residential Cleaning|

Handy Sued for Illegal Worker Practices

Two former Handy contractors filed suit against the on-demand "handyman" and house cleaning startup.On Thursday, October 30, 2014, two former Handy house cleaning contractors filed a class action lawsuit against the on-demand "handyman" and house cleaning startup. Among other things, the filing claims that Handy misclassified employees as independent contractors failed to pay minimum wage [...]

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