In our June issue, we take a closer look at technology, cutting through the sales hype to help you make smart decisions about how to spend your money.

Cleaning Business Today June IssueCBT takes an in-depth look at information technology, helping you cut through the sales hype to make the smart buying decisions. Does your business need service software? What features should you be looking for? What about using GPS software to track the vehicles in your fleet or to monitor employee whereabouts? Will these potentially expensive purchases yield enough of a return to warrant spending your money?

We talked to makers of some of the most popular scheduling and service software available for our industry. We’ll provide a handy printable chart to help you compare the features of the systems we reviewed and tell you what’s included in the base price and what important features will cost you more.

Plus — imagine visiting a website that looks just like yours. Our Deep Dive explores the issue with the story of one of our own — a cleaning business owner who had his online presence copied lock, stock and barrel by a business owner in another market. An attorney, web security expert and search engine marketing expert weigh in on the implications. What would you do? What can you do to keep from becoming a victim of website theft? We’ll have those answers and more.

To more sure you receive our June issue, which goes out to our subscribers this Friday, click here to add your name and email address to the list.