Cleaning business education events are great, but only if you actually do something with what you’ve learned. It was a unique experience – so different than any other educational event I’ve ever participated in – much less hosted! That’s really saying something because I have been to some excellent events! I’m remembering many of the ARCSI events, but in particular an event in Las Vegas a few years back that was awesome! The Smart Women Maid Rich cruise put on several years ago by Debbie Sardone and Renee O’Brien was something my whole family will always remember, too. But this was different…
“Having so much one-on-one time with the coaches was invaluable to me. Also, staying in the house like we did provided a “family” atmosphere that made getting to know other people much easier, and helped keep the conversations flowing at any hour of the day or night. It was great to talk to so many other people with struggles similar to me – even some who are very successful! I feel like I can do this now, and I know they will have my back too! Having a solid action plan to go home with was a big help, and I know that I have people who will help to hold me accountable, and that makes all the difference.” ~ Amy Thomas, Eastside Housecleaning
Sandy Bollo-Valdivieso of Shore Natural Cleaning wrote to me, “This has been the most amazing, positive and productive experience I’ve had learning as an entrepreneur. I did not mind working 70 hours. I would do it again in a heartbeat.”
Going home exhausted and energized might have been enough for some events, but we needed MORE for our participants! We needed them to be different. We needed them to go home changed. We needed them to DO the things they already knew to do.
The Foundations of Success NEW AND IMPROVED Jump Start experience was different and new, but in a very unique way. Sixteen businesses met in an Isle of Palms beach house in Charleston, SC for an intensive training program designed specifically for business leaders, not just business owners:
Craig and Denisse Baker, Mess Maid Right NW
Terri Blackey, Knee-Pad Maids
Sandy Bollo-Valdivieso, Shore Natural Cleaning
Peggy Collin, Collin Cleaning
Suzanne Hayzlett, SET Cleaning
Sarah Hodge, Wai Clean
Amy Wiggs King, 2 Green Chicks
Benja Lane, Maid My Day Brevard
Genainna Pereira, Shine Bright Martha’s Vineyard
Mona Piro-Gatens, Windsor Maid Services
Coreen Recob-Merry and John Rees, TLC Cleaning Service
Amy Thomas, Eastside Housecleaning
Joanne Williams, All Seasons House Cleaning
Angela Wilson, Solano Maids
Ed Wright, Spouses Cleaning Houses
Michal and Marzena Ziembicka, Keep Your Home Clean
These businesses leaders had and now have a new agenda. Their goal is not to get more information. Not to just learn new things. The new goal is to think more and to think better – to BE more and to BE better.
Terri Blackey of Knee-Pad Maids says, “Thank you, thank you, thank you, all four of you, for not only pointing me in the right direction but also for showing me how to get out of my own way.”
Who could forget spending a week in a 12-room Isle of Palms beach house, dubbed The Mansion, working 70 hours on their businesses instead of in their businesses? And while the unique venue will be remembered by all, the BIG difference is in the results!
16 businesses working on 16 different business plans with action steps for every month of the entire year. AND they’re actually working those plans! How many times have you come back from a weekend or even a week-long event and gotten sucked right back into the daily grind? Now THAT’s a new experience. These 16 business owners have successfully gotten out of their own way and are doing the things they had only previously planned to do.
Sarah Hodge summed it up when she said, “This has been awesome for me. I’ve spent the last 2 1/2 years gathering info and learning all the things I need and should be doing. None of that included a plan to actually get things done. This week has focused my attention and helped me to figure out exactly what I need to work on AND how to get it done.”
The only thing better for me is knowing we’re going to get to do it again. Plan now to join me, Derek, Tom, and our team the week of May 31 – June 6, 2015 – right back at that amazing Mansion on Isle of Palms in Charleston, SC! It’s only four short months away!
Liz Trotter is founder of American Maid Cleaning as well as an entrepreneur and leadership trainer based in Olympia, Washington. She is also a former ARCSI baord member, a partner in Cleaning Business Builders, creator of the HiPEP employee development system and a charter member of Cleaning For A Reason.
(See below for a gallery of photos from Foundations 5.)