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So far Supreme Mullet Media, LLC has created 173 blog entries.

Cleaning Products and "Right-to-Know"

New independent lab testing on 20 top household cleaning products reveals that top-selling cleaning products and detergents, including Tide Free & Gentle, Pine-Sol and Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner, contain toxic chemicals not revealed to the consumer.Posted on November 17, 2011 by James Bruggers I could work full time trying to sort through product claims on consumer goods and [...]

2011 Saw Shopper Evolution

It's the latest shift by consumers in the fourth year of a weak U.S. economy. Shoppers are expected to spend $469.1 billion during the holiday shopping season that runs from November through December.Anne D’Innocenzio with contributions by Christina Rexrode Associated Press December 27-28, 2011 NEW YORK -- Four new types of American shoppers have emerged [...]

By |2014-06-18T14:14:34-05:00June 18th, 2014|Community|

International Hygiene Study Reveals How Personality, Manners and Profession Affect Health

"Results of this study should empower Americans to improve or maintain their personal and household hygiene in order to help break the chain of transmission," says professor John Oxford, chairman of the Hygiene Council and professor of virology at St. Barts and the London School of Dentistry. October 14, 2011 October marks the start of [...]

By |2014-06-17T16:57:07-05:00June 17th, 2014|Community, Health|

See “Clean” Differently Today—without seeing at all

We bring this up because we want you to think about what “clean” means to a person who can’t see, who can’t do that white glove test for dust and dirt.Today is January 4, 2012 ~ World Braille Day. We bring this up because we want you to think about what “clean” means to a [...]

A Castle Keepers Christmas 2011

The 12 Days of Castle KeepersOn the first day of Christmas, Castle Keepers gave to me … A Ladybug for Cleaning Chemical Free! Two Rubber Gloves                        Three Clean Shirts                                         Four Apron Clips                                                              Five Bad Hair Days Six Ionators                        Seven Days’ Vacation                                                               Eight Magic Erasers Nine Teammates off the Phone and [...]

By |2014-06-17T16:48:08-05:00June 17th, 2014|Charleston, SC, Community|

What Does Your Restroom Say About Your Business (from the Green in Hygiene)

Maintaining clean, comfortable restrooms is a surefire way to show your customers that you care. Why? Well, you don’t make money in your restrooms. What Does Your Restroom Say About Your Business? by GreenInHygiene on January 6, 2012 As the economy has been in a slump these past few years, businesses have tried just about [...]

Environmentally Friendly … To Whom?

Labeling products as ‘green’ is a selling point, because many people associate ‘green’ and ‘safe’ as being almost synonymous, but in many cases the opposite is true.Posted January 13, 2012 Editor's note: This piece originally appeared in the Vendor Viewpoint column in the January 2012 issue of ICT. By P. Richard Warburton, PhD, JD Marketing [...]

Clean has NO SMELL: What’s in that Air Freshener

“An analysis of more than a dozen common household air fresheners found that most contain chemicals that may affect hormones and reproductive development, particularly in babies…” (National Resources Defense Council)As a kid, I was assigned the chore of cleaning the whole house between getting out of school and when Mom got home on Friday afternoons. [...]

Great Article on Preventing Mold!

A great home cleaning company will be able to help you remove visible mold and mildew, especially what grows in bath tubs and sinks.As the weather is warming (at least in some parts of the country), mold and mildew have a nasty habit of beginning to surface. The spores have lain mostly dormant during the [...]

By |2014-06-17T16:22:50-05:00June 17th, 2014|Best Practices, Cleaning Tips, Health|

Survey reveals professionals "unclear about proper cleaning / disinfecting procedures"

An incredible 68% of respondents to P&G Professional's recent 'Cleaning & Disinfecting Clarity' survey indicated that they believe that to clean and disinfect a surface, you have twice as much work on your hands. In other words, cleaning and disinfecting are two separate tasks.as published in The Cleanzine on April 5, 2012 An incredible 68% [...]

By |2014-06-17T16:12:47-05:00June 17th, 2014|Charleston, SC, Cleaning Tips|
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