My experience in starting a handyman company is changing how I view the franchise model for cleaning businesses.
I have never understood the franchise model for cleaning businesses. Why is it there? What does a franchise offer me that I can’t do better or more cost-efficiently myself? Over the last few days I have been training in my new handyman franchise. The experience has me thinking that my view of franchises is outdated. In the video below I explain how my thinking is changing.

Whether you are part of a franchise or not, growing our businesses is something each and every one of us needs to do. Join me in Portland, Oregon on Saturday July 15, 2017 for Summer Growth 2017. The day will be packed with the information you need to grow your business. I’ll be leading the seminar along with Liz Trotter and Tom Stewart at the new Castle Keepers of Portland. We operate some of the fastest growing cleaning companies in America. Our one-day shock treatment seminar that will jolt your business into dramatic growth.


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