Museum of Clean curator Don Aslett was honored with the 2013 BSCAI Industry Service Award.
Industry Service Award
Winner: Don Aslett, Museum of Clean and Varsity Facility Services

Ranch-raised and taught early the value of “clean,” Don Aslett began his career by organizing a college clean-up crew that, by graduation, had expanded into three states. His passion for the profession continued over the next 60 years with Don spreading the word of “clean” through teaching, speaking and writing more than 40 books on the topic. A true entrepreneur, he has left a trail of humor and enthusiasm for the world of “clean” through more than 5000 media segments and presentations.

[EasyDNNnewsToken:Left Justify Embed 300 x 250]Proud to tote a toilet suitcase and accept titles like “Urinal Cornel,” “Duke of the Dustpan,” and “Turd Herder,” Don has illustrated the drive, dedication and personal investment to create a successful organization. 

Don has continued to demonstrate his passion for the industry through the creation of the nationally recognized Museum of Clean. This museum emphasizes the importance of “clean,” not only as a process but as a condition to improve the existence of people and the plant.

Profile courtesy of BSCAI.