Automation of routine processes can help a business be more efficient, but can automation be applied successfully to the hiring process?
Automation just might be one of the business buzzwords of the 21st centurey, with its emphasis on consistency, efficiency, and reduced costs, but is it the right way to go when you’re hiring?
Pros of Automating the Hiring Process
- not having to remember (or forget) the many rote steps: replies, scheduling interviews, filling out forms, etc.
- education, experience, reference, and other background checking
- standardize the interview questions to comply with EEOO regulations
Cons of Automating the Hiring Process
- increased reliance on some of the most common or the most specialized skills possible – and not weeding out enough
- applicants
- underappreciating the importance of “fit”
But the real evidence is in whether the automation services can give you real, measured examples of how their service helped a similar business find the right candidate – one who “fits,” has the skills necessary, and makes an early and meaningful contribution to the business.
Read the full article at Harvard Business Review.
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