Getting your support team on board and using online scheduling can save you time, energy, and money when hiring.
HR strategis Mel Torgusen suggests four basic prep steps before you begin a major hiring campaign:
- Start with a hiring kickoff meeting with your team – everyone who will have any role in facilitating the recruiting, application, background checking, interviewing, and even training and probationary period.
- Use a clear and shared scheduling tool to set up phone interviews or phone screens; this can be as simple as a special Google calendar made public and posted online for applicants to use or a subscription service like Appointy.
- Try using video interviews or even “homework” to help narrow a pool of applicants before inviting candidates for in-person interviews. This helps save time and money.
- Get beyond resumes and lists of qualifications and instead focus your interviews on questions or activities that tie back to your company’s core values.
These are also excellent review steps during an ongoing hiring campaign.
Read Mel’s full blog post at PaySimple.