Avoid the Exit Interview altogether with a Stay Interview.

Definition: A “stay interview” is a periodic one-on-one structured retention interview between a manager and a highly valued “at-risk-of-leaving employee” that identifies and then reinforces the factors that drive an employee to stay. It also identifies and minimizes any “triggers” that might cause them to consider quitting.

Learn more about the reasons your employees stay with your company, and in the process re-engage them to strengthen your employee culture. Stay Interviews can

  • stimulate the employee
  • personalize the employee’s experience with your company
  • reward leadership with opportunities to contribute to the company
  • include action-oriented planning toward progress and potential promotion
  • reduce the influence of employee emotions on decision-making
  • lower a manager’s sense of urgency to immediately solve retention issues (quick fixes)
  • emphasize the positive factors of employment
  • be accomplished with no special training for the interviewing manager
  • cost very little

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