ARCSI’s annual leadership conference focuses on building and refining your business, and includes an opportunity to complete your HCT certification.
[EasyDNNnewsToken:Left Justify Embed 300 x 250]One of the real pleasures of serving as Executive Director of ARCSI is having conversations with our members and observing what makes them successful. From conversations with our most successful members, I have observed three things they have in common:
1) An appreciation for ongoing learning for both themselves and their staff members.
2) A willingness to change; they are not doing business the way they did it five years ago, and
3) They are great listeners, both to their clients and their staff.
I believe it is no coincidence that some of the most admired and successful owners in our industry are the first to sign up for ARCSI Conventions, our Executive Leadership Conference, and regional meetings. They are also the ones who send us suggestions for speakers they have heard at another educational program. While many of them have been in business for ten, fifteen, twenty years or more, they are still looking for ways and programs that will make them a better business person and their businesses a better organization. That is why you will see some familiar names on our attendees list for our Executive Leadership Conference later this month in San Diego.
This year, the ARCSI Board and Executive Leadership Conference committee took a new approach to this event. It has nothing to do with cleaning and everything to do with improving your skills as both a leader and a business executive. Our four keynote speakers have no association with the cleaning industry, but they are highly respected and have presented programs to business executives from Fortune 500 and INC 500 companies from a variety of industries. They all have national reputations as experts in business strategy development and human resources. They are highly sought after speakers because the issues they address are not specific to any one industry, but are based on principles that have broad application. Our ELC is the type of event where already successful owners realize that hearing different perspectives can help them continue to grow and improve their business.
The second program we’ll be offering in San Diego this month is a House Cleaning Technician (HCT) certification class. Nearly 200 individuals have completed this comprehensive two-day course in a little over a year. We truly believe this program is the future of our industry. As consumers become more discerning when choosing a cleaning company to come into their homes, technicians who have a certification that has been validated by a third party (IICRC) will become increasingly important. Certification is far more than just training. It is a commitment to ongoing education that will raise the level of professionalism within our industry. Having certified technicians as part of your team validates that commitment.
You can still plan to attend both the Executive Leadership Conference and the House Cleaning Technician class. Visit for information or to register for both events.
Ernie Hartong has served as the Executive Director of ARCSI since 2009. His background includes 25 years of association management as well as jan-san sales.