What does the ARCSI/ISSA merger mean to you?
As of January 1, 2017, ARCSI became a Division of ISSA. I can tell you that 76 days into the merger we are still working on putting some of the pieces in place, but it is all good stuff. The staff has been doing a lot of behind the scenes work, merging data bases, reports, and plans for the ISSA/Interclean show in September. The new ISSA Residential Members should have received their new log in and passwords for the ISSA website by the week of March 14. They will also receive the official ISSA “Welcome Kit” via regular mail starting this week.
So what does all of this mean to you? You now have access to the “Members only” section of the ISSA website. I would encourage you to log in and cruise around. You will find over 2500 videos that include not only cleaning topics, but marketing, management, leadership, and other business topics as well. Your company is also listed under “residential” in the ISSA Buyers Guide. Members will also be receiving both the hard copy and electronic version of ISSA Today featuring great articles and cleaning industry insights. As you can imagine, merging two websites is not an easy task. Both the ARCSI and ISSA staff specialists are working to add new residential content to ISSA.com.
In the meantime, ARCSI.org is still there for you. You can access the Alison Palmer Resource Library for forms, articles, and ideas. You can still download Hot Topic Tuesday calls, and other items from the ARCSI store. Of course you can always reach out via email or telephone to the ARCSI staff in Columbus, but our new emails are now ernie@issa.com, jeff@issa.com, and erin@issa.com.
The best parts of the merger are yet to come. You will see some great new innovations at “The Show” in Las Vegas in September. There will be a new “Residential Cleaning Pavilion” on the show floor. There will be new opportunities to network and connect with commercial cleaners, distributors, and manufacturers. The things you have told us are important to you like great education, networking events like the Welcome Reception, Roundtables, and our Chairman’s Gala will still be there. Only they will be enhanced with the help of our new colleagues at ISSA. Registration will open around April 1, so make your plans now to be in Vegas September 10-14 where you will learn even more about the ARCSI/ISSA merger.
Ernie Hartong has served as the Executive Director of ARCSI since 2009. His background includes 25 years of association management as well as jan-san sales.