Letting the prospect trigger your sales process can be just the custom and personal touch you need.

The need to bridge the gap between the lower-tech older generations and the high-tech millennial generation can be tricky. Using triggered emails to drive your automated lead nuture and sales campaign can help both personalize the process and deliver just what the lead needs at that moment – all to close more sales.

Here are some triggers to consider (and possibly campaigns to develop):

  1. The lead downloaded a tip sheet or educational offer – follow up with an email that confirms the download and identifies the next step (or Call To Action)
  2. The took one step in a series, but not the next step – follow up with a related opportunity or an alternative step
  3. The lead looked at an article or email, but didn’t take any action – follow up with some tailored content related to what was viewed
  4. The lead increased or decreased engagement – follow up with next steps quickly or activate a re-enegagement campaign
  5. The lead interacted on social media (post, comment, like, share) – follow up with related content, product information, or additional engagement opportunities.

[EasyDNNnewsToken:Left Justify Embed 300 x 250]While few cleaning companies are using the sales automation tools available through their job scheduling systems or a system specific to automation, these are also campaigns and materials ANY cleaning company can use manually to improve their ability to turn an interested lead into a paying customer.

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