I had to do an incredible shift in my way of thinking to see where the money comes from.

The hardest thing I’ve learned is that working hard does not equal success – or making money! 


It is also the thought that held me back more than any other.  The idea that if I somehow just worked more, or harder, or longer that the money would come – and in droves.  I had to do an incredible shift in my way of thinking to get to a point where I could see that long hours, doing everything myself, quality checking every detail, and more, is not where the money comes from.  


[EasyDNNnewsToken:Left Justify Embed 300 x 250]Working better and smarter is the winning thought.  Knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do.  Knowing what I should be doing balanced with what other people should be doing was another key shift in thinking.  Realizing that taking time off made me a better, smarter business owner was another critical shift for me.


My new strategy is to think better thoughts, focus on doing the right things at the right times and to always be learning what people are thinking before I worry about what they are doing.